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  • #191969

    Good morning!

    I bought a Big Muff Deluxe for bass.

    I plugged a power supply with positive central (not negative) and i think i have fried the protection diode. I saw it when I have opened the pedal to see if there was a battery inside and it was a bit broken, all the rest of the circuits look ok.

    However, after that, I plugged different batteris and active and passive basses (so the broken circuit of the diode should be not included). The pedal works, as the lights turn on when i switch the foot controls, but the audio signal, connected from input to output does not pass through the pedal and the amp is mute, like if no sounds arrives to it. The whole signal is “mute”, even with lights and effects are off. (i attach a photo)
    pedal with battery

    If i plug the bass on “output” and the audio exit on “direct out”, it works and the audio signal goes to the amp. If in this configuration I try to click the effect controls, the audio goes off (photo attached). If I plug the bass on “input” and the amp exit on “direct out”, the sound does not reach the amp.
    reverse plug

    I suppose there is a problem on the “input part” and I do not know which are the causes (wrong polarity last time? other reasons).

    Considering this, please I have a few questions:

    The warranty service could cover the diode damage/substitution? If not, how much is the substitution of this piece?
    The warranty service could cover further damages in future, not considering the diode?
    What about the general problem even if I plug the battery (sound does not pass through the pedal, even if it is off)? Could the problem be caused by other reasons or because of the wrong polarity on that episode? It could have cracked other circuits? Could you solve it and for how much?

    Thanks in advance,
    Best regards


    Hello ! thank you mongobigmuff for this topic. i’m looking for the same function you describe by “multiply”. do you know that Ableton Live looper can do it too ? i purchase a hardware pedal with this function which as you meant, is very important for art of loop music 🙂
    many thanks


    The Sovtek Deluxe Big Muff Pi is nowhere near what he’s looking at, which is a vintage big box (opamp version) Big Muff Pi with attached power cord. See image below.

    Analogman can probably do a conversion. He does a similar conversion for the Deluxe Memory Man with attached power cord. https://www.analogman.com/
    If you want to go the DIY route, a better place to ask and get detailed instructions is probably https://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?board=2.0



    The Sovtek Deluxe Big Muff Pi is nowhere near what he’s looking at, which is a vintage big box (opamp version) Big Muff Pi with attached power cord. See image below.

    Analogman can probably do a conversion. He does a similar conversion for the Deluxe Memory Man with attached power cord. https://www.analogman.com/
    If you want to go the DIY route, a better place to ask and get detailed instructions is probably https://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?board=2.0

    vintage big box BMP



    I recently purchased a Vintage big box Deluxe Big Muff Pi.
    PCB marked: E3054C (short circuit board)
    Version: Parallel/Series Switch, Blend and Comp Outputs.

    The model I have is 240v (with 3 pin AC cord).

    I would like to convert this to 100V AC input (Japan) OR DC power.

    Has anyone converted their similar unit to a different voltage or supply type?

    At the moment the unit produces some fuzz sound using 100v however the compressor circuit simply distorts at low volume.

    I could change the internal transformer, however I would need to know the operating voltage of the pedal internally which in the current circumstances I cannot test. (Assuming the current transformer steps down to a ratio – 240v to X, rather than ANY input voltage to the required voltage?).

    Thank you for any help and experience you can provide!


    I have the Sovtek Deluxe Big Muff Pi, which is just a deluxe version of the green Russian Big Muff. It’s very close to the Deluxe Big Muff Pi that you are looking at, with a couple of minor differences.

    I got the Sovtek because that was the one they had at the store I went to. I would have happily got the regular Deluxe Big Muff Pi if they’d had that one instead.

    Yes, it is bigger than a regular Big Muff, but the noise gate and mids section make it well worth it to me.



    I recently purchased a Vintage big box Deluxe Big Muff Pi.
    PCB marked: E3054C (short circuit board)
    Version: Parallel/Series Switch, Blend and Comp Outputs.

    The model I have is 240v (with 3 pin AC cord).

    I would like to convert this to 100V AC input (Japan) OR DC power.

    Has anyone converted their similar unit to a different voltage or supply type?

    At the moment the unit produces some fuzz sound using 100v however the compressor circuit simply distorts at low volume.

    I could change the internal transformer, however I would need to know the operating voltage of the pedal internally which in the current circumstances I cannot test. (Assuming the current transformer steps down to a ratio – 240v to X, rather than ANY input voltage to the required voltage?).

    Thank you for any help and experience you can provide!

    I have the Sovtek Deluxe Big Muff Pi, which is just a deluxe version of the green Russian Big Muff. It’s very close to the Deluxe Big Muff Pi that you are looking at, with a couple of minor differences.

    I got the Sovtek because that was the one they had at the store I went to. I would have happily got the regular Deluxe Big Muff Pi if they’d had that one instead.

    Yes, it is bigger than a regular Big Muff, but the noise gate and mids section make it well worth it to me.



    I recently purchased a Vintage big box Deluxe Big Muff Pi.
    PCB marked: E3054C (short circuit board)
    Version: Parallel/Series Switch, Blend and Comp Outputs.

    The model I have is 240v (with 3 pin AC cord).

    I would like to convert this to 100V AC input (Japan) OR DC power.

    Has anyone converted their similar unit to a different voltage or supply type?

    At the moment the unit produces some fuzz sound using 100v however the compressor circuit simply distorts at low volume.

    I could change the internal transformer, however I would need to know the operating voltage of the pedal internally which in the current circumstances I cannot test. (Assuming the current transformer steps down to a ratio – 240v to X, rather than ANY input voltage to the required voltage?).

    Thank you for any help and experience you can provide!



    I have a Big Muff Pi V4 that I purchased around 1980, which worked really well for a number of years. Recently I tried to use it and noticed, as with other forum users, the signal from the pedal is stronger than when plugging the instrument directly to the amplifier. However when I engage the foot switch I no longer get the rich tone but rather a really weak distorted sound, like the sustain is on full, but the volume is basically non existent. I changed the 9 volt battery however the same problem exists. When I flip the by pass switch there is no change. Any ideas?


    It’s always best to take pictures of the stock unit and then do the repair according to that.
    You are referring to a schematic. Which schematic and on what site?
    If you’re using the schematics from Kitrae’s site, then that could be the cause for it not working. Some of his schematics are fundamentally wrong. IIRC especially the one for the Black Russian(s).
    I have several Black Russian Big Muff Pi’s. I can take some pictures if you like. Maybe you can find some pictures of the wiring online as well.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by j_flanders.

    Hello all,

    New bass player and this is my first pedal.
    I have a 5 string bass that has passive pickups but an active bass EQ built in. (9V powered) When I activate the crossover on the Bass Big Muff Pi Deluxe, it buzzes like crazy. Has anyone experienced this or know if the internal EQ could be messing with the Big Muff’s crossover? I don’t have another bass to experiment with.
    Thank you.


    I received the pedal new from Guitar Center online yesterday and when turning the drive knob clockwise past noon it has a scratchy sound, but only when turning, otherwise it works fine. I was reading on the Talkbass forum that this is often normal with drive/ sustain knobs.
    I also have a bass big muff pi that I’ve owned for many years and the sustain does the same but functions perfectly. The BBM was purchased used but in mint shape but I never really paid attention to the scratchy sustain.
    Any insight is appreciated. Thanks.



    I have a Deluxe Bass Big Muff Pi. One of the things which drew me toward this fuzz pedal was the Blend feature, so that I could maintain a powerful bottom end on my bass while using fuzz.

    While the bottom end is retained, I seem to be struggling to get a heavy fuzz. If I go for the heavy fuzz I lose the bottom end. The blend seems to require a lot balancing rather than me staying I want X amount of clean and Y amount of fuzz as you’d get with a blender utility device.

    This does means I have resorted to using a blender pedal to mix in my clean signal in order to maintain bottom end, but to get the full fuzz I desire.

    This seems like the Blend feature is completely useless on this pedal if I am still needing to use a utility device to blend my clean with the fuzz, to maintain my bottom end but to get the massive amount of fuzz I want.

    Surely there’s a way to have a lot of fuzz and keep a powerful bottom end, otherwise, why does this “deluxe” feature even exist?

    Does anyone have any advice on how to use the blend properly to maintain a powerful bottom end with huge fuzz? Ideally I do not want my bottom end to drop out at all when the pedal is engaged, and I want the maximum fuzz this pedal can pump!



    I’ve just acquired one but currently aren’t in the same place as my bass and amp but want to check that it’s working. Should the LED come on when the pedal button is pushed without being connected to an amp or does it need to be connected for the LED to work/light up? Sorry if this is a daft question but just wanted to make sure it is functioning.

    Hello EHX forum, newbie Mr. John here. Not a newbie to EXH though: Bought my first EXH pedals mail order in 1980 or so, LPB1 and Small Stone (still have ’em, they still work!).

    Earlier this year I got a new LPB1 to finally retire the original. (BTW the new one is very very close, nearly identical sounding to the original one. It’s a little cleaner and the switch is quieter. The oldie is a little more “raw” sounding. [em]—AND THERE’S MY FIRST REVIEW!![/em] :cheese:).

    In April, a friend gifted me with a Fuzzy Surprise: An Octavix just showed up in the mail one day. Initially, I thought I might’ve accidentally purchased it since I had been looking at them a short while before. (Turned out it was a birthday present! Thanks again BW!) Anyhow, I loved the new fuzz, but thought it needed just a hint of phase shifter to get things a little more psychedelic…

    My old Small Stone (and a couple of other oldies from companies that will remain unnamed) proved my hunch that indeed, phase shift and fuzz are always fun together (I call it the [em]Fuzz Shifter[/em]). But it would have to be a [em]new phase shifter[/em], to compliment the new fuzz…

    Enter the new Bad Stone a few weeks later…followed by the Flanger Hoax shortly after that…a Graphic Fuzz and Memory Toy somewhere along the way…

    So I’ve decided that’s a good start to building a new, “All EHX” pedalboard. S8 Multi power supply and OD Glove on the way right now. Will probably get the wah wah next. Not sure how far this will go, and most likely all the weirdest stuff won’t go on there but mostly gig-able sounds: boost/od, chorus, reverb, echo, phase.

    I’m a big Hendrix fan and tend to use fuzz, wah, phase shift, and some trippy echo once in a while. Also a big Blues fan, Surf Guitar buff, Heavy Metal aficionado, Country Western, Punk Rock, etc etc kind of guy. Lately been playing with a covers band that does material ranging from 50’s stuff up to current songs so I need to be able to cover a lot of the basic sounds for ‘classic’ rock type stuff. So, kinda need a pedalboard of some sort… this one’s gonna be ALL EHX!!

    So, Hello again, and it’s nice to be here. Will provide reviews down the line for all the EHX I’ve got, and as stuff gets added down the line. See ya on the forum!!!

    Hello. Welcome to the forum. I am also an all EHX pedal user. My favorites are the English Muff’n (you will never use solid state distortion again) and the Stereo Polyphase. I just ordered one of the last NOS Flanger Hoaxes that I could find, and it is due to arrive tomorrow. I’m sure it will quickly become one of my favorites. I love modulation pedals (except for delay – I can’t stand it except for maybe the stereo ping pong in the Cathedral).


    I am wondering, is the bass boost function on the Deluxe muff the same as the one on the Bass Big Muff pi? I am a bassist and have used the BBM pi for years… it is by far my personal favorite of the muff range but I like the look of all of the features on the Deluxe Muff pi. If the functionality of the bass boost/tone knob is identical on both pedals I would certainly buy a deluxe muff asap!
    Any light anyone can shed would be much appreciated…

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